5+ things to do with your Kids everyday

1.     Declutter their closets and rooms

2.     Bake and cook and cleanup meals together

3.     Play games – board games, online games etc – get to know what they are interested in

4.     Study God’s word together

5.     Dream together – set some family goals and personal goals and bucket list items

6.     Head outdoors! Play games – softball, kickball, and scavenger hunt!

5 things You can Teach your Kids when they are Home

Do you suddenly find yourself homebound with all the kiddos under one roof? Are you paralyzed with fears that you aren’t capable of keeping them busy and occupied without putting them in front of the tv, computer or phone? Listen, I want you to know that as mom, grandma, or whatever capacity you find yourself serving children in right now, you CAN do this. You are perfectly capable of doing well and treating these ones in your care well. Here’s a couple of ideas for how to achieve this!

1.     Home Economics! Bake, Cook, & Clean

All those life skills that we are usually too busy to make time for. Bake the breads and muffins and cakes, Cook the dinners and lasagnes and other dishes, and clean the nooks and crannies together.

2.     Fine Arts – writing, art, music

Again, these are the things that we don’t always have time to enjoy. Have the kids journal their thoughts, their ideas, paint, sculpt, create and play. This is a great time to place emphasis on these creative forms of expression that also make us appreciate beauty, and allow children to express their feelings in safe ways.

3.     Banking & Budgeting

Increasingly this falls under the less important skills when we are busy with school but guess what you need your kids to learn before they are young adults flying the nest. Take some time now and explain the how banking works, how to fill out a deposit slip, how to budget for their expenses and how to determine how much they have to spend each month.

4.     Keeping their rooms, paperwork, sports gear organized

Now is a great time to have them sort, organize and keep all the things in order. Time on their hands can be useful rather than just vegging out in front of the tv set.

5.     Keeping up conversations and talking through disagreements.

Increasingly our society struggles in having conversations with differing opinions. This is a great time to take advantage of understanding what the kiddos are thinking. If they are a bit older, maybe challenge them to think through their positions on different subjects by offering different opinions. I think it’s important for children to understand different perspectives than their own and to be ok with agreeing to disagree.

Bonus - teach a new hobby!

Maybe you knit or sew or crochet or golf. It doesn’t matter which, but take the time to teach the kids a new skill. If you get stuck, find a youtube video to help you get to the next step. Teach them the things you know even if they may not seem interested. You’ll be surprised how much these skills come back around again.

5 Ways to Navigate Troubled Times

1.     Start each day with God’s word.

Psalm 119:147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in your words.

2.     Spend significant time in Prayer

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

3.     Memorize and meditate on Scripture

Psalm 119:111 I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

4.     Journal

Psalm 94:19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

When I am overwhelmed it is always necessary for me to get my thoughts out. Since most people don’t need to hear what I have to say or need to give me a solution, it’s mostly a way for me to logically work through what’s bothering me. Getting things out on paper help me process and this is a great way for you to process as well.

5.     Spend time doing things you enjoy – playing with your children, making music, writing, coloring or any other hobby that you usually don’t have time for.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

During this time be with your family. Do the things you don’t have enough time for. Teach your children to filter their choices through this verse.

Remember lastly what II Corinthians 3:2 tells us

You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone.

People are watching and learning what we believe by how we behave during hard times! Let’s show them Jesus!