Over the next few weeks I thought we could highlight different clutter hotspots and see if we can clear them out little by little!
This week we are looking at the Kitchen:
Kitchen counters are like paper magnets. Seriously I think the mail piles up and multiplies into stacks of unpaid bills, election fliers, junk mail and I’m literally not sure what else. Take a moment and toss the trash, put the rest in the right files. Seriously, if you do this several times a week you can keep up with the mess so much more easily.
The junk drawer. It’s name even identifies it as such. You know that one drawer that kinda is the catch all when you don’t know where to put the matches, the extra pens, keys, safety pins and crayons. I have no idea how things accumulate there but they do and before you know it you have no idea what’s in it or where to put any of it. Empty it out and toss the junk. The rest needs to find a permanent home.
The Spice Rack. Oh my goodness - why is this one so bad? I guess it could be the one recipe that calls for 1 tsp of cream of tartar, and you never use it again. So you need to toss them on a semi regular basis. If they are no longer fresh you don’t want to keep them on your shelf anyway because they won’t add the extra flavor you are craving anyway.
Ok those are my top 3 in the kitchen - what would you add to the list?