Our lives move at lightning speed.
We fly through childhood, school, marriage and starting a family. If we are not careful those days turn into years and the years well they zip by and before we know it, the kids have moved out and moved on and have started families of their own.
Life moves fast and even faster because we have filled it with so many things.
So many activities, so many good things too - not bad choices, just blocks of time on the calendar that we can’t get back. Negative space is design is the idea that less is more. Allowing room in the decor so that every open space isn’t maxed out with stuff. Having negative space in my schedule means allowing space for those life moments that you can’t plan or script out. They are the impromptu cookie baking, movie watching, sofa chatting moments that occur when life slows down a little and there’s nowhere to be or anything to do.
Instead of rare tidbits, planning with intention means leaving room in our home decor for some white space, but it also means being ruthless with eliminating anything - even the pretty things - that threaten to consume the white space. Doing this with our schedules as well means that we save time for the downtime.
Now as a girl who loves to schedule and plan and who even blocks out her day by 15 minute segments, you have to know that its so easy for me to fill in every time block with something to do. But I’m learning to make some blocks. Marking the blocks off and allowing for some open space for either life’s hiccups, or helping people is important. If people are going to be my priority I need to be sure that there’s margin already planned for them.
How about you - do you struggle with creating room in your schedule?